A Little Elaboration

Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Band That I Hate to Love

I take music rather seriously. I've actually been in arguments that resulted in not speaking to someone for an extended period of time over music. And, needless to say, my music tastes have changed radically since I was in high school. Sure, there are some bands that I liked in high school that I still listen to now, but there is a Huge difference in the music I listen to regularly now that I never would have in high school. High school bands included: Steve Miller Band, Aerosmith, Zepplin, and Phish. I've basically given up on Phish considering I dropped the habit that made them seem like the most talented band in the universe, Zepplin's okay on occasion, I still like Aerosmith's old stuff, but they played the sell-out game so hard recently that I can barely stand to think about them, and whenever I want to Fly Like an Eagle I'll pull out my Miller. The ways my music tastes have changed more recently are that I like the stuff now that my dad listens to (i.e. James Taylor, The Eagles, etc.) I also must lay down the love for the movie industry last year for turning me on to Ray Charles, without who's music, I would not be the same person I am today. Essentially, there's very little good music being made today by bands that are easily accessible. Sure, there is some Indie Rock band out there that I SHOULD be listening to, but I don't know where to find them, therefore, I probably won't ever hear their stuff. The other drawback to listening to said Indie band's music is that the fact that I know who they are, and I love their music, and I attempt to turn people on to them makes me a music snob, and music snobbery is the worst kind. I also really like hip-hop music. If you ask me, the only music that has gotten significant radio play in the last 2 years that I would qualify as GOOD music is hip-hop.

And then, there's the music that you listen to that you are embarrassed about. And, yes, you should be embarrassed you listen to this music. You are a disappointment to your family and all of human-kind because you listen to this music. Moreover, you don't just listen to their music, you actually like their music. When you overhear people talking about how bad this band's music is you defend them, bitterly, in your head. You would never come out and say that you like this band's music and that you think they are very talented young men or women. You don't say this aloud because you know that no matter how good an arguer you are, there's no way you can actually make an argument that will hold water in this debate.

This brings me to the very essence of this post. I LOVE THE BAND FALL-OUT BOY!!!! I love them and I don't know why, and yes, I am embarrassed. The band Fall-Out Boy obviously derives its' name from Radioactive Man's sidekick from The Simpsons. They fall into the pop-punk genre that, if you ask me, the world would be a better place without. If there were no pop-punk revolution, there would be no racism, no hate, no war, and G-Dub would be living out his life in relative obscurity in west Texas. This movement in music is the very definition of bad music. And yet, I find it hard to totally dislike Fall-Out Boy, it's killing me. I literally die a little bit inside each time "Dance, Dance" or "Sugar, We're Goin' Down" comes on the radio and I blast the music, belt out the words and dance whilst driving my car. I love this band so much that the awareness that I have about people watching me dance and sing while driving is heightened, and disregarded. This band rules, but then again, they may just be the anti-Christ.


  • Ok, never heard of this bad. Yet, oddly enough, I'm now intrigued enough to see exactly how bad they are.

    You've unwittingly become a carrier for bad music. The invasion has begun. For shame.

    (All written while furiously attempting to hide my Cher CD from prying eyes. :))

    By Blogger bad-journalist.blogspot.com, at 3:21 PM  

  • It's like that fuckin' Gwen Stefani song Hollaback Girl. That song suuuuuucks, but I defy you to find someone who didn't listen to it all summer long and actually enjoy it for some amount of time scant as it may have been.

    By Blogger the count, at 5:04 PM  

  • Oh, I'm all over the Hollaback Grl song! It's the best for long car trips... it's definitely bananas.

    I can't think of what cd I want to hide from this post... most people don't like any of my music, so I'll just hide the whole case.

    By Blogger genderist, at 5:52 AM  

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