A Little Elaboration

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Name

Okay, now, for those of you who know me you have but one question, "What the hell does his name mean?" Well, I'll tell you. If you know me or my wife you are probably familiar with her blog in which I am referred to as her counterpart. Well, I thought I would take that nickname and run with it. I didn't want to be Counterpart, so I decided to shorten it. That leaves the list of possible names as "Count," "Part," or ""Terpa," now, you tell me what you'd choose out of that list.

So I went with the Count, I must say that I like the name. The Count on Sesame Street was a great character who had a profound influence on my life. To this day I am still afraid of both vampires and numbers, so you can tell that the influence was great.

Also, there's a little game my friends and I play whilst partaking in the wonders that are malted hops and barley. In this game whenever someone is going to get another beer out of the fridge, he/she yells out, "One!" Then, if you feel as if you will soon need another or actually do need another, you simply yell out, "Two!" or "Three!" or whatever number has been counted up to. You may be thinking that there's no way that you would have to play barmaid to that many people, but I have witnessed someone have to grab 8 beers and pass them out to the masses assembled. The reason I tell you this actually does have something to do with my name. Last year we were drinking with some old friends and some new friends and someone was going to refresh their empty bottle. That person yelled, "One!" "Two, three, and four," followed; as did "Five, six, seven, eight!" So, the barmaid brought back eight refreshments and there were only six people there. As it turns out one person yelled, "Five, six, seven, eight!" and this person was not privy to the rules of the game, he had never played before. When we asked why it was that he had kept yelling numbers when he didn't know what he was doing he replied, "Because sometimes counting is fun."

And you know what? Sometimes it is.


  • Even today sometimes I count just for fun... mostly in french, to see if I remember, but sometimes just for fun.

    By Blogger genderist, at 11:49 PM  

  • Can I still call you Terpa?

    By Blogger bad-journalist.blogspot.com, at 7:32 PM  

  • Yeah, counting is what separates us from the animals. Of course you can call me Terpa (it was a close call between that and the count, i only chose the count because i came up with more jokes for it.)

    By Blogger the count, at 2:00 PM  

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